GP Deva

9101 Olympic Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

(310) 858-6545



Man comes from the Nature; there is always a calling from the soul”

GP DEVA is an abbreviation that stands for the Sanskrit “Gandha Puspa DEVA”. This depicts a story of how countless celestials and certain human beings came to proffer flowers whenever Buddha was preaching.

In China, this is called Tian Nu Sanhua - and is the story describing female deities’ gracefully scattering flowers over earth from heaven. This extraordinary ‘flower dancing’ has long been regarded as a sign of good luck and great favor (propitiousness.)

Mr. Sun-Don Lee founded GP DEVA in March 1989. For over 15 years, Mr. Lee engaged in extensive research focused on developing E-Match. Using ancient formulas as his basis, Lee was seeking to perfect, produce and preserve what existed in nature¡K. The ability to restore. Eventually, he found the key to an ideal production process that could both capture nature’s magic and preserve the formulas without diminishing the substance’s effectiveness. Mr. Lee created the innovative technology - E.S.C. (Energy Structure Combination) the technique to transform botanical essence’s energy into extremely refined particles able to retain the power of plants. The effects have been truly amazing.

Mr. Lee’s research has enabled the ability to harness botanical energy and to mass-produce the powerful elixirs in a stable and living form.